Partnering business and civil society to achieve the SDGs: Aligning CSR to the SDG and ESG goals

PARTNERING BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY TO ACHIEVE THE SDGS: ALIGNING CSR TO THE SDG AND ESG GOALS BY SHAHIRA AHMED BAZARI MANAGING DIRECTOR OF YAYASAN HASANAH 9 MARCH 2020, TUESDAY 11.30am – 12.45pm VENUE: Dewan Persidangan, Parliament of Malaysia Bismillahirahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and a very good afternoon. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is an honour […]

Interview with Vikas Pota – T4 TV

Interview with Vikas Pota – T4 TV 4 January 2021 What is the effect of the pandemic on education in Malaysia? The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly impacted children’s lives and disrupted their daily activities. Malaysian schoolchildren were barely in school for three months when schools were closed following the enforcement of the movement control order […]