Hasanah Social Enterprise Fund 2024

A Funding Programme by the Ministry of Finance of Malaysia (MoF), to Empower Businesses with measurable Social/Environmental Impact.

HSEF2024 seeks to provide financial support for early-stage businesses in Malaysia that aspire to scale their innovative solutions to meet financial as well as social and/or environmental objectives.

Who is Eligible to Apply?

The funding programme is categorised as below: 



Funding Amount 


Category I 

Seeding Path 

  • At least six (6) months in operations 
  • Clear and measurable social and/or environmental goals 
  • More than 30% of annual revenue is commercially earned as opposed to via contribution, donation and grant funding 

Up to RM100,000 


Category II 

Growth & Scale Path 

  • At least two (2) years in operations 
  • Clear and measurable social and/or environmental goals 
  • More than 50% of annual revenue is commercially earned as opposed to via contribution, donation and grant funding 
  • Fulfil one of the following: 
  • at least 30% of the workforce from the target beneficiary group(s) 
  • minimum 15% of annual business expenditure delivers and meets the environmental mission or social purpose/objective 
  • at least 25% of annual net profits (after tax) distributed back to business operations to achieve the social/environmental mission(s) 

Up to RM500,000 

Conditional Grant* 

Category III 

Growth & Scale Path with Accreditation 

  • Possess SE.AC certification from the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP) 

Up to RM750,000 

Conditional Grant* 

*Condition Grant combines both outright grant and debt. Please see FAQ for further details. 

Preference will be given to enterprises that possess the SE Accreditation by the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development. 

Important Dates to Remember

The application cycle will open from 22nd April 2024 to 30 June 2024. Any further application cycle shall be subject to the availability of funding.

22 April 2024

Application opens

30 June 2024

Application closes

Process Flow for the HSEF2024

Stage 1 : Apply

Complete the application through the website

Selected applications will be contacted by Yayasan Hasanah to proceed to the next stage

Stage 2 : Due Diligence

Selected applicants from stage 1 will required to submit further information, proposal and relevant documents.

Stage 3 : Award

Successful applicants will be announced by Yayasan Hasanah

Recipients are required to sign an agreement and commit to the funding terms and conditions plus your impact milestones

How to Apply?

Kindly complete the application form below.  


To read a PDF of the full FAQs, please download here.

If our FAQ section does not answer your question, ask us at [email protected]