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Discover the latest announcements and news on Yayasan Hasanah, our grants, scholarships, and partner highlights.​

Cruyff Court Kg Bharu officially launched, offers safe play space for local community
19 Oct 2024: On Saturday, we proudly celebrated the official launch of the Cruyff Court in Kg. Bharu, Kuala Lumpur—marking the completion of eight ...
Belanjawan 2025: Kenyataan Rasmi Yayasan Hasanah
18 Okt 2024: Yayasan Hasanah menyambut baik Belanjawan 2025 yang prihatin akan kesejahteraan rakyat, seiring dengan pendekatan kami yang mendahuluk...
Peluncuran Program Anak Kita Atasi Isu Keciciran Pembelajaran
HULU SELANGOR, 27 September 2024: Kerajaan hari ini melancarkan Program Anak Kita, iaitu suatu inisiatif bagi mengatasi isu keciciran pembelajaran ...
Focus Group Discussion: Raising the Social Floor
Community Development
18 Sep 2024: Today, we had an incredibly insightful session titled “Raising the Social Floor” chaired by Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof, Chairman...
Nurturing Malaysia’s Next Gen Leaders: 115 Khazanah Scholarships Awarded to High-Achieving Individuals
 Kuala Lumpur, 4 Sep 2024 – Yayasan Khazanah (YK) has awarded 115 prestigious scholarships to talented and high-achieving Malaysians, reinforcing i...
ASBhive-Hasanah Impact Challenge Awards 6 Innovative Social Enterprises
6 Sep 2024: The ASBhive-Hasanah Impact Challenge, organised by ASBHive supported by Yayasan Hasanah and the Ministry of Finance has been an incredi...
Kami dengan sukacita dan berbesar hati mengumumkan bahawa Ahli Lembaga Pemegang Amanah dan Pengarah Urusan Yayasan Hasanah, YBhg. Dato’ Shahira Ahmed Bazari, telah diperkenankan pengurniaan Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri (D.S.P.N.) sempena sambutan ulang tahun ke-72 Tuan Yang Terutama Yang di-Pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang, Tun Dato’ Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi Haji Abdul Razak pada 10 Julai 2021.
YBhg. Dato’ Shahira telah memainkan peranan yang penting dalam penubuhan Yayasan Hasanah dan telah memimpin yayasan ini sejak mula lagi. Beliau juga menjadi Pemegang Amanah kepada beberapa organisasi yang bertumpukan impak sosial, di samping berkongsi kepimpinan, wawasan dan kepakaran beliau dalam pelbagai usaha pembangunan masyarakat.
Bersama rakan-rakan kongsi Hasanah dan pasukan yang berdedikasi, YBhg. Dato’ Shahira telah menerajui pelbagai program yang telah membawa impak kepada lebih daripada sejuta rakyat Malaysia sejak penubuhan yayasan ini pada tahun 2015.
Sekalung tahniah diucapkan kepada YBhg. Dato’ Shahira atas penerimaan anugerah ini; andalah inspirasi kami semua.
Why think ahead? When COVID-19 first struck, it caused a shift in the way we live.For more than a year, vulnerable communities have been the most impacted. With the shift came new challenges in many areas including education, livelihoods and mental health. Through it all, however, our focus on impact and sustainability has not changed. Whether it’s meeting immediate needs of those affected or supporting development projects in Borneo’s interior, that’s what sustainable development is: empowering local communities with all they need to overcome, no matter what comes their way — even if it is a pandemic.

That’s why we believe in thinking ahead, building a transformed society brick by brick, day by day. Through the partners and projects we support, Yayasan Hasanah contributes to 15 of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our hope is that through collective purpose and collaborative effort, we will build a greater Malaysia for the generations to come.
If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it. – Johan Huizinga

As Malaysians, we are part of a unique heritage. Our land is a melting pot of peoples, backgrounds and cultures, beautifully expressed in the diverse arts we enjoy today. From traditional crafts to theatre and safe, public spaces for all, it is undeniable that these shared experiences are part of our national identity. Keeping it alive, therefore, is our responsibility.

At Yayasan Hasanah, Arts & Public Spaces is one of our five key focus areas. Since 2015, over 90,000 individuals have experienced Malaysian art, heritage and culture through shows, screenings, productions, exhibitions and activities in the country supported by Yayasan Hasanah. The foundation has also focussed on preserving artefacts and other cultural assets, but in tandem with technology, digital preservation methods are now at the fore. “Traditionally speaking, preservation has been done in response to the threat of destruction of the materials and to allow for future use. In current times, more and more of that knowledge is being stored electronically,” says Zainariah Johari, Head of Arts & Public Spaces.

Local arts are a reflection of our nation’s history, our journey as a Malaysian people. Public spaces are pockets in urban areas, where differences are set aside. It is here that we find our distinct qualities which make us who we are. By doing our part to celebrate and preserve these values, we believe the best of Malaysia will be seen for generations to come. If you’ve got a heart for art, follow us on social media to find out more about our work with local partners and communities in this area!
Yayasan Hasanah leaves no man behind. We want to make sure that everyone gets a fair piece from the table and this goes out to our farmers as well.

Our Borneo Farmer Adoption Project, organised by WormingUp has assisted the farmers mainly from Padawan in channeling their fresh produce to the city while creating a harmonious and fair society. So look out because you never know if the next fruit platter you purchase might be from one of these farmers. About 169 rural farmers were involved in this project and 50 farmers were adopted.

Apart from aiding to transport their produce from the countryside to the consumers, the ultimate goal for this project is to help the vulnerable group of people to increase their income level. This project has also improved the rural farmers’ skill sets while also raising awareness about protecting the environment through sustainable farming in order to ensure the soil’s long-term sustainability. On a wider scale, the project has ensured the sustainability of the agricultural supply chain and food security while simultaneously protecting the environment.

Let us together nurture nature and communities!
Heads up, hikers! A new eco-trail is slated to open in Ulu Kinta, Perak at the end of the year. The 12.16km-long alternative trail will take you to the peak of Mount Korbu, and along the way there’s plenty of flora and fauna to keep nature junkies happy. Birds such as the black hornbill, kingfisher and buff-breasted babbler can also be sighted. What’s more, bamboo forests, river stops and interesting checkpoints like the Orang Asli ecotourism site make this new eco-trail one to look out for.

But more than just an adventure through Malaysia’s forests, this project has blazed a trail for Orang Asli communities living in the area. Members of the local community were commissioned to construct the natural trail, and 28 Orang Asli have undergone training as potential mountain guides. Once certified, tour operators will be able to hire them as tour guides and porters when the trail is opened to the public. En Amin bin Pandak of Tok Batin Kampung Makmur said the eco-trail construction project helped support his family through the pandemic. “With these kind of initiatives, I am confident that being a porter in the near future can generate more income to cover my family’s daily expenses,” he said.

So far, 24 families have earned a total of RM32,385 through the construction of this trail — much-needed income especially given the economic situation due to Covid-19. This amazing project was spearheaded by Global Environment Centre (GEC) and funded by the Hasanah Special Grant. We can’t wait for the trail to open; if you can’t too, share this post with your nature-loving friends and add the trail to your bucket list!

Humble, leafy greens are changing the lives of children and families in Sabah. Through model vegetable farms led by Etania Schools, 60 families are now equipped with the skills to plant their own vegetables. These community gardens planted in three schools have yielded more than a plentiful harvest; schoolchildren now have nutritious food on the table and parents-turned-farmers have produce to sell for additional income.

Since last year, kailan, bok choy, sawi and chilli have been planted, but several families have begun planting tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, brinjal, kangkung and long beans too! To date, a whopping 1,800kg of vegetables have been produced.

Etania project director Dr. Kathryn Rivai said that in the face of covid-19, floods and incessant rains, these farmers did not give up. “The families are seeing the fruit of their hard work. They are delighted with the harvests and what’s not eaten is sold to others in the plantations. We have been surprised by their enterprising spirit, they even get passing lorries to help transport the goods. More than that, their outlook on life has also changed. Now, they are confident and look to the future with hope, always asking how to improve their crops and learn new methods,” she said.

This project was funded by #HasanahSpecialGrant, and is a shining example of how creative solutions can have multi-level impact. By empowering communities to grow their own vegetables, families can enjoy nutritious food, better health and increased opportunities to grow their income. And as they work together in the farms, they are learning problem-solving skills and financial literacy while growing in self-confidence as individuals. Who knew all of this could bloom forth from a tiny vegetable seed?
You’ve heard this phrase dropped in conversations, news articles and speeches, but do you know what ‘community development’ actually means?

According to the United Nations, community development is defined as ‘a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems’. And that’s what it is — all of us working together to build a better Malaysia. Shared problems require shared solutions, and that’s why community development is one of our five key focus areas.

As a grant-giving organisation, Yayasan Hasanah seeks to help build socio-economically strong and resilient communities. But in order to do that, we need to start from the ground up, build the capacity of our beneficiaries to identify and tackle systemic issues, and nurture their strengths to improve their own wellbeing. This requires various interventions. “Community development must be holistic. That’s why we don’t just look at impact for a project’s direct beneficiaries, but how multiple stakeholder and organisation can run complementary programmes so that the entire community progresses as a whole. This way, there are many opportunities for all of us to play a part,” explains Anita Ahmad, Yayasan Hasanah’s Lead of Community Development.

Know any community heroes working to build a better Malaysia? Swipe right, share the template and give them a shout-out!