The Deinstitutionalisation of Children

Are institutions or residential homes the best place for children to thrive? Can institutions replace the love and care of a family so that the child can reach his or her potential? What kind of care is truly in the best interest of a child? These are some of the questions that will be explored […]

How to respond effectively and provide humanitarian aid during a pandemic: lessons for civil society organisations in Malaysia

As Malaysia strives to beat the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a growing realisation that this health emergency will have unforeseen impact on our economies, societies, livelihoods, and further marginalise the vulnerable groups. Hence, it is undeniable that greater coordinated effort is needed to support frontline health care workers, small businesses as well as the B-40 […]

OlaBola The Musical: An Unforgettable Experience for Our Underprivileged Students

Vibrant costumes, incredible live singing, and energetic dancing telling a story that resonates with the people. Musicals are immersive, memorable experiences enjoyed all around the world. But for many in Malaysia, they are not often within reach. Beyond a matter of finances, SK Sg Merab Luar teacher Norzirah Ismail points out that students in Malaysia […]

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